Has any book of the Bible been subject to such diverse interpretations as the book of Revelation? An intriguing book, it seems to stand in a league of its own. Certainly there is no book of the New Testament around which such distinct systems of interpretation have developed. These include the historicist, preterist, idealist and futurist, each with a different viewpoint.
Reasons for the diversity of interpretations
Why is this so? An evident partial cause is the prophetic-apocalyptic genre of the book, which utilizes much symbolism. Hence, there is continual debate as to how literally we should interpret the book. Should figurative interpretation be our default here? Or do we maintain a literal hermeneutic?
Additionally, because of the book’s place as the “capstone” of Bible prophecy, and indeed of all Scripture, one’s interpretation of the rest of Scripture plays a pivotal role in determining one’s interpretation of the Revelation. In particular, an interpreter’s millennial presupposition (premillennial, postmillennial or amillennial) tends to be a lense through which he will view the entire book.
Nor is it insignificant that the book was addressed to the servants of Jesus Christ (1:1). The many attempts by unsaved theologians to unlock its truths have only produced greater confusion, for these truths were intended for Christ’s servants.
Choosing the right interpretation
As a result of its perplexities, some well-known interpreters (such as Calvin) have avoided the book altogether, and others should have done so. Nevertheless, Revelation clearly was written to be understood (1:3; 22:10). Are there no certain paths to understanding, no keys to unlock its truth? We certainly must proceed in dependence upon the Holy Spirit to illumine us. This writer believes (along with many others) that He has provided a critical key for interpretation right in the very beginning of the book.
The immensity of the scope of this topic must quickly become evident to anyone who attempts a study of it. I will attempt to offer a short historical overview of the different approaches to interpreting the book of Revelation, with a brief but thoughtful analysis. Then we will conclude by looking at the special key Christ gave to John in the first chapter. Thanks for reading the article: The Interpretation of the Revelation.